Archived News: Periodically club news items will move from the main page to this archive and will be arranged in chronological order. The oldest items will be at the top, the newest at the bottom.
June 1, 2016: The 2016 summer league started under near-ideal conditions -- clear sky, comfortable temperatures and...the usual wind. Despite shooting on unfamiliar traps (we used the far end traps in preparation for the state shoot), scores were excellent with the high gun for the night shooting an almost perfect score. We are looking forward to hotly contested league shooting the next 10 weeks..
April 4, 2016: Delta Trap Club was honored to open its facilities to Delta-Montrose Electric Association, host of the the 2016 Colorado Rural Electric Association Trap Shoot. Shooters from rural electric associations around Colorado came to Delta to show off their shotgun skills and spend time with colleagues in an environment of friendly competition. Thirty nine participants shot 100 16 yard targets, competing for high gun and runner up plaques provided courtesy of Delta Trap Club. Rhett Ragsdale came out on top with Brian Collett close behind. Two shooters shot their first-ever 25-straights to win coveted 25-straight pins awarded by the club.
Club board members loaded traps, scored shooters and handled the rest of the work required to make the event a success for everyone. Special thanks goes out to Roger Polfer and Bill Bogue for scoring the competition.
We couldn't keep our lights on and traps throwing targets without DMEA. It was a pleasure to work with them to make the 2016 Colorado Rural Electric Association Trap Shoot a fun event for all.
April 30-May 1, 2016: Runners run 26 miles to make a marathon. Trap shooters shoot 500 doubles targets one day and follow up with 100 singles and 200 handicap targets the next day. 800 rounds add up and the tough shooters who turned out for the club's annual Doubles Marathon were happy to see the last target break Sunday afternoon. It was an impressive performance and great fun for all shooters; particularly doubles fans.